
Showing posts from 2019

Christmas to everyone in the world

Happy Christmas to you all

freda dignity

Welcome ladies and gentlemen of the world hope you enjoy this month blog. I have been going through a lot at the moment. Has  human being not taking serious when it comes to assessments and no dignity or respect and makes me very angry. In the population of the world we are taken a second class citzern because of our disabilities no more stand up and be counted. Yes we do have right to vote in general election and politicians are not letting us have a voice on our issuses because we fight. We need better nhs here in UK and around the world people shouldn't have paid for healthcare it there right to have free healthcare. Everyone has right to education please allow this happen right around the world don't let children sleep on the streets or be homeless because it unfair on them allow then time off for health appointments because they meant need a equipment. Fairmess Respect Equality Dignity Automony Everyone has right to personal choice and allow this to happe...


Welcome ladies and gentlemen of the freda fighter community blog this month. People with disabilities are getting the rights denied on so many levels. Since last month had to go and get my pip form fill out. the questions on that form where are hard to answer you need someone in the know to fill out. It causes to much anixety in all of us and felt that need to some support and got that of my mum and sister. All over the world our climate is changing for us and animals. We need to stand up has one and make our government world wide and listen to us has the human stand in one. Don’t strip us our human rights, because we think of. Different or progress information a little slower then you. Everyone has right to healthcare to be treated with respect, and dignity and allow us to be spoke has a patient.

Our rights being listened too or not

our own individual rights has people who are intelligent,funny,unique personality wise. We pick up more information and it can take us progress more slowly then anyone else. We are discriminated against by the government because we seem different our own care needs are not being met because of their rules on health and equality and diversity and race. I feel on the grounds of disability should not  means tested system for the genuine people or not put through their agenda. I would like to see a quiet place in every place where people can take time out or a sensory place. Some people with a disability like stim and some of us like talk about our interests more than average person would.

Not being listen too.

Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen out there on the worldwide blog on human rights.  The protests in the united kingdom and worldwide because people with autism are treating unfair on so many accounts like feeling isolation from society they are being put institutions were they not being look after probably or against the will or under a section. We are not second class people probably more intelligent then neurotically. So allow our different to be shown to the world. We have human rights too and the worldwide community needs to stand up against these human rights abuse. Where is support for families with a child with a disability or adult we have to fight the governments at every turn. SEN want to cut the funding for support for children with disabilities in schools they should not to being good because it damaged the child forever, in Scotland they are doing to same what about a around the world. What about our respect and dignity and privacy being in a place not to bein...

Freda: Fighting for a our rights

Welcome ladies and gentlemen We are human being also and not show respect and dignity were is needed. Because there not too many places mental health units in this country where this not being serious that needs to change. I am very angry about this is has human being and also autistic myself. The government in the UK told us that was change around long term hospitals where going to closed down and support given in the community. Empty promises to us as people also. Freda is not happy neither with this what has to be respect and dignity and privacy. The law needs to be change around this vulnerable people. I want to praise Manchester airport for the quiet rooms because will help with autism. Also the some supermarkets are taking us seriously now. We need to have reasonable adjustments made in waiting times for learning disabilities community in hospitals and appointments and waiting area given a chance to seen quicker. Some of us like auitsm we more anxious we wait to go i...

Vunerble and strong people

Welcome ladies and gentlemen to this month freda fighters blog. Our human rights are very important to us all out in the world regardless of race of sex religion or disability divesty community out there. I hope you all still enjoy my blog that i write. Vulnerable people in society are we taken seriously as people. i probably thinking to ourselves that why are we so different. We are all unique in the world. It was international women's day last week when you think of women inspiring to you? mine has to be temple grandin being autistic and author. Anita Lesko. A young lady from chester called Sara Auntie agnoy i do recommend to watch her blogs and also has at international events her story is very powerful. our brains are bigger but we progress information differently to everyone else in the world. we sometimes we it in pictures instead of words. please sign petitions regarding that are human rights related. People first have been annual conference few weeks ago in ...

Everyone right to health care:

Welcome ladies and gentlemen of the freda fighter community out there.  I have been thinking of absolute right we all have right to healthcare here in  united kingdom in part of the world. People with disabilities are still not being listened too or even parnets of the children in the same situation we all have.  I feel that very strongly about this because we need sort of system that our hidden disabilities like autism or dyslexic or dyspraxia or even people in a wheelchair. People are not a number in a doctor surgery or denist surgery because that is way they see us.  I fed up with the people are getting treated because they have a meltdown in the public. Auitsm is a part of society people on outside see stims as they don't want people staring at them because they are different come over and have convesation with us. We need to better understanding from hosptiality for looking out for signs with auitsm because not everyone understands what is happ...

freda fighters and our human rights

Happy new year to you all over the world. Welcome to ladies and gentlemen of the world. Bring in Freda Fairness: Respect Equality Dignity Automony Everyone has the right to be equal regardless of their age. Everyone has the right to education I want to point out to you that harvey law campaign.  Katie price and am also glad it made to law because very vulnerable. Has been 5 years since had the meeting with department of health. We need all goverments to listen to us about our help.