Freda: Fighting for a our rights

Welcome ladies and gentlemen

We are human being also and not show respect and dignity were is needed. Because there not too many places mental health units in this country where this not being serious that needs to change. I am very angry about this is has human being and also autistic myself. The government in the UK told us that was change around long term hospitals where going to closed down and support given in the community.

Empty promises to us as people also.

Freda is not happy neither with this what has to be respect and dignity and privacy. The law needs to be change around this vulnerable people.

I want to praise Manchester airport for the quiet rooms because will help with autism. Also the some supermarkets are taking us seriously now.

We need to have reasonable adjustments made in waiting times for learning disabilities community in hospitals and appointments and waiting area given a chance to seen quicker. Some of us like auitsm we more anxious we wait to go in to see the doctor or consultant and sometimes don't think they understand us.

Royal Liverpool hospitals have learning disabilities nurses working for then which is great. Freda is met there.

Mersey Care well done for great understanding and blood tests the staff are remarkable met all five keywords.

Disabled should be able to travel on public transport without any issues often to many us are told your not coming on this train and we need to arrange transport. DPPP policy is given when they get train station. They need to book 24 hours in advance for assistant for any journey and people on the gate need to receive a training in the disabilities customer service. In some case people are paying extra to bring on scooters or wheelchair on board the train wbich is disgrace.


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