freda dignity

Welcome ladies and gentlemen of the world hope you enjoy this month blog.

I have been going through a lot at the moment.

Has  human being not taking serious when it comes to assessments and no dignity or respect and makes me very angry. In the population of the world we are taken a second class citzern because of our disabilities no more stand up and be counted.

Yes we do have right to vote in general election and politicians are not letting us have a voice on our issuses because we fight. We need better nhs here in UK and around the world people shouldn't have paid for healthcare it there right to have free healthcare.

Everyone has right to education please allow this happen right around the world don't let children sleep on the streets or be homeless because it unfair on them allow then time off for health appointments because they meant need a equipment.


Everyone has right to personal choice and allow this to happen please our opinions count. Also people in Africa need our support.

Right to life for is everyone and including worldwide. Climate change is real and think of the people you will be affected. we do want to change our carbon foot print.


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