our human right please read my blog.

 Welcome ladies and gentlemen to my blog this month becsuse I want to share some of myexpoeriences with you  regarding the united kingdom healthcare system.  I am senfing prayers out the earthquake zone. 

People who have a learning disability and auitsm should have reasonable justments made to their appointment and what mean by that is they take more time to explain what is going to happen to us and think it is importmant for world to do this regardless of age and tace and sex. in this world. 

I have the few weeks have a lot health appointements every expoerince has been different would like a big shout to merseycare for their understanfing from side of mental health and helping with anixety and getting but things in place for me.

The denistes at bootle health centre for their understanding and resasure and friendly abd kinf nature  they had with me

My GP wasn't avaiable i had to go to see another doctor in surgegy would like give him shour our for his understanding hewas mentioned the dvd he has improved so much since would like to the say that on this blog. 

A big shout liverpool university hosptial who did the techquie that carry out my ECG for putting me at eased in the everyway. 

on everything appointement was very anixous and worry about the meeting to new people that is a part of the auitsm.  The amazing support of my mum and support workrt matia. 

I do this at everytime at every appointant the healthcare professional dosen't know because it has come automantic to me after attending this freda fighters group.






Here in the uk our healthcare in free a point of service, their nurses and amblance workers going out on strike the right protest but our goverment dosen't want to give them a paid rise think they should they do a excellent job they need better condtions, We are also having teachers our strike too because the govement will not give then a paid ride it is crazy. Cutting to special needs children it very important educatiohn to all our chilfren and young adults and adults that go to the university.

The goverment all so needs to the people more and stop making us feeling like second citzerns.

Everyone has the right to life regardless wheree they live.

Everyone has the free speech swhrere you are in the world, because has human being we take unjustices of this world.


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