Hello to freda fighters

Welcome ladies and gentlemen to my freda fighter blog. I am sorry have not been writing my blog lately not to been good.

I would like to start off by talking about the special educational needs. All children to should proper support in the classroom instread of the tories goverment in the uk trying to cut funding it is totally un call for.  I was tory educational system myself  educational syatem miss my dyslexia ansd autism and feel so annoyed at this. Right for education is very important.

We are not second class citzerns because we are human being our healthcare system need impoverment to accomdation this like for hosptial. Evety hosptial should acute a learning disabity nurse we have then here in liverpool in the uk and not sure in the rest f the world. I think we are leading by example to rest of the world.

Right to life the and everyone has freedom of speech and again in some countries that is not allowed think we should have it world wide. 

Our world has a climate  changiing and everyone on this planet has a carton foot and we every country in the world to wake up and listen. Save our poloar bearsand elephants and goats and dolphins and local nature to you. 


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