Freda is hear: Everyone of us need to treat with respect and dignity and equality and automony.

Ladies and gentlemen of the world out there who follow my blog. I apprection it very much because it is important to me know that we shouting that we have human rights.

Please don't people with disabilty instution that stops us from being social and specialist not in cots or tired to us bed you caused us a lot of trama and allow us to right to the life and let us being with our familes it is important to us. Freda would say to this it is unfair on so many levels and speak up about it in country urkanie they have voice, and bring then into the day light. 

Everyone has  the right to education and people with special needs are waiting long time for the support that they need our loved ones are fighting every step of the way. Why the not being heard we need to make than listen to us.

I also out emtional support animals need to get recongise more, because they help us very day lfie and there if we need to speak to someone their when we are sad and they are best friend. 

Every single country needs to take us all seriously and freda would like to see that happen. Everyone has a voice in this world too. 


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