freda is very important.
Welcome ladies and gentlemen who read my freda blog. I apprecaite writting this important blog for you because it will make sense to some people and others it will not.
I have noticed around the world disablity assistant services at airports have not been up fully working and the wheelchair should always be there waiting for the person or a stick.
People with disablity need to book in advance that they need to have assistant upon trains it which is unfair. It give us a helping hand that is all we ask. Sometimes our disability is invisable to naked the eye.
The cost of living is hitting everyone hard and the goverment should take in account our needs into accound not pushing us a side.
Everyone has the right to life and to have prizate and family life. We should never deported our aslyums to another country to be process because it is wrong on so many levels.
our education for people with special needs to be improve and dyslexia and auitsm need support like everyone else.
I want to give a big shour to merseycare for the sensory workshop it was amazing learn so much.