Health of community of Autism

Welcome ladies and gentlemen of the freda fighters:

I would like to say big thank you Sara and Liam who runs a great group on Facebook for people with autism because she very valuable  to the community has a whole, a place where we can feel safe and also parents can ask questions and gives then insight to autism too.

I have also want to point out to you that people who are different and unique don't need any more cuts to services because your causing isolated in most cases and your stop us live independent too and for full living lives.

I have a got a idea which want to share with you online.

People need to get their head autism in modern day healthcare because we do want to be treated with respect and dignity shown to us. We don't want to be shouted at because we are asking questions how we have to wait. I can suggest to the world that quiet space were sensory input would appreciate.

There should be extra module for nurses and doctors and consultants have more training around special needs and autism and learning disabilities we want to see this happen because it is more feel a that we are being look after has a community too, includes adults with other disabilities too.

We love  Fairness trust but sometimes it hard too.
We love Respect to be shown on all levels
We love Equality to be shown right across the board.
We love Dignity need to shown right across the board.
We love Automony it right to be free speech on every level.

our human rights are very important to everyone in the world not just for neurotypical and disabilities rights too.

Let's gets people home who are assessment treatment centres across the uk and the parnets need to your help and sign petitions online or even right to mp.

Freedom of people is our right to allow the people in countries they need to be fully checked for criminal history and because sometimes we see on news that slip through the net.


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