Happy new year to all the freda fighters out there

I hope you have a lovely Christmas and new year celebrations.

This time last year i was doing autism understanding course with mersey care nhs trust. Everyone has to right to education young or old.

We need to get this petition circulated and something very passion about young man age 13 lives his mum and schools ex-spell him for being autistic and not understanding his needs and Kevin healney has set it up www.change.org you find able petition.

Freda is not happy with it because she feels that dignity and respect and being unfair.

I do feel that nature is very important world wide and we stop putting plastic and spoiling our environment and litter around our cities and out in countryside.

Our nhs they are doing there best to look after us and winter flu that is going around and they way to look it we need extra funding for nurses and doctors and government are not to listening.

Hospital signs need to be improved and ward signs too and colour way system then people would know which is a good idea because feel very strongly and they shouldn't charge for car parking on disabled people.

I am quite angry with the government over assessment for benefits they cause unnecessary miserable to people they need that help and sercives are being cut goverment has no idea what they are doing.


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