
We see quite often people with disabilities not being listen too by a numerous times. I do certainly think we should say "No" to being like second class citzern.

I personally think doctors and consultants and nurses need better training in disabilities in general and also aware that they do one module in it which I think is totally wrong on so many levels.

Stop locking up the vunerable adults with learning disabilities they should be with there families and it heart breaking for then and think about their they want then to come home. You get services that are not up to scratch because unfunded.

It dose take me a long time to adjust to new places and the people around me and anxiety management course has help me with that and other times it hasn't. close knit group who understands one and another and see things are a different aspect.

Their has been instances recently of disabled people were been out in public and getting on bus and drivers have been very mean to then because they are wheelchair were Freda is not happy about and also their instance in shops were stop the support dogs from going in, supermarkets to help people who actually needs then.

we stand has one
we have a dream
our friend

we stand has one
we have a dream
our friend.



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