
Showing posts from 2016

Merry christmas

Merry Christmas to all my blog readers. 


Welcome ladies and Gengleman to our freda fighters blog. I would like to say that have not been to good regarding my anxiety and haven't been online to much to wtite my blog. The goverment in united kingdom want to stop the funding to learning disability and auitism forcum which is very there is canpagin no voice on the web and please to read it. The goverment yet again want to benefits to take a way people cars in return they want to take our inpendent away condtions sifa bifa and arthrmis people who have mobility problems. I want to agrument to the fact to then is it fair on then to so they can save money they should be looking us because of dsabilties not taking it away. I have would like to see more places with disabilties trying to speak up and people on buses their signs give your seat up if you have disabilty or elery people. I would personally give my seat for a older person.  I often think people who are different need to given more opportunties in ...

Freda helping others

Personal experience: Over the past few months i have been going on a road of being creative and going to lovely a place to were i live have accepted me for me and i feel good for going to L30 million centre in nertherton to a class for art and crafts and tutor Kim is lovely and freda has been met wonderful there because of nice of the people. Patient liason service: one of members point out to us that is no easy read information on the service in the nhs and think it could apply for the rest of the world. The service deals with compliment from the public who have been in hospital and investigations it and just want to point this our to all of fun. Because it important to have this because it gives patients are a voice. Edge Hill university near ormsirck: Our group have been asked again to show our dvd to the nursing students and general nurses and LD nurses which is very important because want to be treat with most respect and dignity and in the world. In the oth...

Hello to all my Freda fighters followers

Over the past month have had a lot of appointant regarding my health, had two reviews on my medications. The keywords to Freda are fairness respect equality dignity automony becaus it gives indicates to me how to rate then. I feel like a second class citzern and the politictations do make us feel that we are dirt on their shoes United Kingdom leaving European Union are rights protected or not and it is worrying time. I think people with a disability should be treated with more respect and include us in discussing the important issues with and help us in our interests and our confidence will improve. Some people are being lock away from reality the families and assessment units and the staff in some cases are not looking after properly, Freda is very angry about this human right point of view the respect or dignity the  more of that. The families have a Facebook called seven days of actions kit talks about their experiences it gives you insight sign petitions. In the recents in Amer...

Hi to all readers to freda fighters:

In recently month of seven day action a group ran by the parents that want to bring their home from Assement units. I believe in their cause. I had went over the shy lowen were the lady who told that had comminted I can not ambitted because of my anxiety and autism and every day is different could up and down. I recently read article on a lady who is wheelchair and told to leave the cinema because of health and safety and feel that is unfair every right to do go the cinema and watch a film. I recently attended two groups one group is was making waist coats which wasn't for me and the other group was a remarkable and understood my needs that group that is art of craft and achieve making a card. Freda is important in a positive light health care way physio understands my condtion and autism you don't come across this all that much.  

How freda listens to voice of people with disablity

Here is a little bit of history: Our Freda fighters group has been going for five years now. The keywords are very important to us all who are apart of our group and staff we worked with it. By sharing our stories the group grew a lot more closer. I started to write my blog 40 months ago and wanted to change people minds and stand up and be counted. How Freda listen to us: We discuss human rights and animals rights We can consult on leaflets Listen to people concerns around disability. Helps people to stand up and be counted. Sometimes we sign petitions and write to our member of parliament and sometimes we get reply and sometimes we don't. keywords, Fairness respect equality dignity autonomy. We can attended conferences and show our dvd to then. We can help with putting questionnaire together We can help putting something into easy read. We can consult on signs which you think is important.


We see quite often people with disabilities not being listen too by a numerous times. I do certainly think we should say "No" to being like second class citzern. I personally think doctors and consultants and nurses need better training in disabilities in general and also aware that they do one module in it which I think is totally wrong on so many levels. Stop locking up the vunerable adults with learning disabilities they should be with there families and it heart breaking for then and think about their they want then to come home. You get services that are not up to scratch because unfunded. It dose take me a long time to adjust to new places and the people around me and anxiety management course has help me with that and other times it hasn't. close knit group who understands one and another and see things are a different aspect. Their has been instances recently of disabled people were been out in public and getting on bus and drivers have been very mean to...

The Freda Fighters:

Happy New Year to you all The Freda Fighters and physcologist have been working together to come and ask questions how to improve the service and we will be coming up with questions. I feel very strongly that the consulant that the group been going for 4 years now and we are still all friends and we believe the in cause of freda fighters. How would you describe the service of learning disabilties? Are we getting the right type of support we all deserve? I truly think that gps need more training on learning disabilties? We would like see better communication with gps and physcriast so they can talk to one another. I recently came across a story on bbc northwest tonight programme were eldery gentlemen need to go the toliet and shops he couldn't and his wife is very angry.