welcome to August freda fighters

Welcome ladies and gentlemen and the new people come a long to read my blog it is exiting to see the countries that am reaching.

I would like to mention a local charity that is shy lowen horse and pony they are amazing work they take on horses that they resuce and they rehomed and they have scheme for supporters to sponspor a horses they understand people with disablilties www.shylowen.com The horse are treated freda prinples that shows through the high quality of work that they do.

I met a lady from bbc
at shy lowen on 23rd august 2015 and told then about our dvd.

on to our meeting our group have been busy bees tracking down a piece of work that two members that did right in the beginging of our group. Even think that we are getting our voice out there more often makes changes.

We also got to meet Steph the student nurse, been invited in November to speak to the edge hill college students nurses. 

  • Fairness 
  • Respect
  • Equality
  • Dignity
  • Automony

Please listen to refreegs that coming from war torn countries because they need our help and also give then in the europe please. Australia please listen to your disabled people and their needs are also very important to freda.


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