Watch our Powerful DVD

Thank you to everyone that has read our freda fighters blog, All appreciation your support. We do want to change preception of people with learning disabilities.

Our Experiences:

On 14th November we met up at community focus team in Southport. Where a member of staff told us that our DVD was ready to for us to see. 

Where we has separate in the fairness, respect,Equality,Dignity, Autonomy. The Freda Fighters had decide to do a DVD that our experiences where important.

 A member of our group had gone to her doctor and went on her own and broke down crying the next the day her doctor rang her mother got a phone call made her feel angry and broke her confidence to see GP and felt she was felt that was getting listen too.

A member of our group was being Bully on the bus another member of had a sign stuck to his back was being totally being cruel and it made them to feel sad and scared anxious and not wanting to leaving the house. 

On our trip to slavery museum in Liverpool of our freda fighters had a tour of by yaz who told us that ID was taken away from slaves they sold on by the masters. We had a film crew we felt like film stars which was a experience.

FREDA WOULD SAY: "You don't indiscriminate against any human being they show no respect towards the slaves".

On last day of filming we spent it by doing mapping out our journey of Chapter 1 and by then we nommitted for positive achievement awards since then we get invited to conferences and help the staff with anything to freda related, even talking to their bosses."We have all become the best of friends and freda is in all of us".

"If you have ever been treated unfairly or discrimmation against or even bully". Tell someone in authority parnets or carers.  Freda Would be proud of you if you choose to do.

Remember to stand up for your human rights:

If you want to you can share any of your stories you can do by e-mail:


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