
Showing posts from 2024

Freda is here to help

Welcome and ladies and gentlemen to the Freda fighters blog.  Everyone has the right Education regardless of age and sex. Girls and woman have a voice regardless of race. It is unfair in some parts of the world they do have a voice. Everyone has the right to healthcare is everyone round the world because we all need to right to see his health professional in the world. The government needs to us a population because we might be able to give our opinion.  Please stay safe.

Hello freda fighters

hello ladies and gentlemen here in the uk we are middle of the uk is in uk election where we need to choose our prime minster. Everyone have right to education  we need a better education system for people with specail needs because been treated like the second class citzern for a such a long time.  Everyone has the right to healthcare In this counttry again people are falling through the net regatding dentists and gps because of the system and people are wating longer for hosptial appoointant,


Welcome ladies and gentlemen of the Freda fighters.  I write my blog from autistic point of view. Happy autism awareness month.  Everyone has the right to life regardless age race and disability and include our animals in that too.  The world needs to come together to help people in Ukraine and Israel because of the wars that are going on think of the people. They are have right to healthcare too and we all need it. I have appointment where a physio never turned up and Freda wasn’t met.  Since then had other appointments they all seem to gone very well at my doctor surgery.  Freda was met all the way. I find useful when we are out of house is to self smooth bag with stuff in it that helps me to relax while I wait for an appointment. I also have mine sensory ball, which can be handed.   Just listen to us we have an opinion too.  Every person in the world has the right to vote and regards of age race or disability.