Freda helping others
Personal experience: Over the past few months i have been going on a road of being creative and going to lovely a place to were i live have accepted me for me and i feel good for going to L30 million centre in nertherton to a class for art and crafts and tutor Kim is lovely and freda has been met wonderful there because of nice of the people. Patient liason service: one of members point out to us that is no easy read information on the service in the nhs and think it could apply for the rest of the world. The service deals with compliment from the public who have been in hospital and investigations it and just want to point this our to all of fun. Because it important to have this because it gives patients are a voice. Edge Hill university near ormsirck: Our group have been asked again to show our dvd to the nursing students and general nurses and LD nurses which is very important because want to be treat with most respect and dignity and in the world. In the oth...