Stand up and be counted for freda.
Welcome ladies and gentlemen of the world who read my blog. Over the past month our group has a been busy presenting our dvd to edge hill university and feedback has come back they would like our group to attend their service user for new nurses. The united kingdom is in season of the Election were we all have right to vote. We all need to fight the goverment on disabilities issues which can effect us all stop then from taking our rights away making us feel like a second class citzerns. Freda Fairness Respect Equality Dignity Automony Their has been a petition on the kevin healney page make sure you signed it because it has some good reasons stop cyber bullying from taking place and also twitter accredited and also the newspaper article of Denise Welsh and a katie hospkins and a to make her apolosige please can you sign the petition. We would like see Freda roll out over the world were adults with disabilities need to be with families and people need to understand ...